Club Picnic 2013

The club meet on a B-E-A-Utiful Saturday in June this year for a great picnic at Springfield Lake.  We setup 6 lathes and got ready to turn!

With 56 members in attendance we had great food with the club providing pulled pork and smoked sausage.  In addition to the clubs offerings we had a fantastic honey ham, salads, vegies and a bunch of sweet offerings from strawberry cake to brownies and everything in between.  It was a great time of sharing the buffet and visiting among the members and spouses.

As in the past years, there was an “Iron Turners Challenge” where teams were combined of experienced and beginning turners.  They were presented their secret ingredient:  a 4 inch jawbreaker that we secured from the the Sweet Maple Candies company of Toronto Canada.  Then they were given just south of 2 hours to turn the jawbreaker and any other wood/media of their choice to create a “Piece of Art.”  Face shields were an absolute requirement for this medium as we didn’t want anyone going to the emergency room with part of North America’s largest confection needing retraction from their nasal passages.

For those that missed it… YOU missed it!  Take a look at some of the pictures from the event below in the slide show.  You’ll see what looks like powdered sugar on a bunch of folks.  It looks like it because… that’s what it was!  Sweet shavings.

To view them FULL SCREEN Click F5 in the lower right corner.  Click on SL and it will display as a Slideshow.

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